Decades Challenge TS4: 1900s Chapter 5


Hope renewed

Upon hearing the news about the family, Mr. McPherson's banker, Mr. Munch, had sent over his son to help the widow. 
Lucas Munch was a young lawyer who felt deep sympathy for the loss of the family. He talked to Verity about her husband's finances as clearly as he could. Vance McPherson had been a smart business man, and his hard work and clever partnerships had paid well. 
Young Mr. Munch told Verity that her husband had left a considerable fortune invested in the bank, so the needs of the family were covered for the foreseeable future. The farm needed to be worked, if Verity chose to keep it, but she and her children would not starve if she chose to sell the crops and never plant again.
The news gave Verity solace because she had feared for the well being of her family from the moment the sickness had struck them. Now, at least, she knew that she could send for good medicine and fast, if her children required it. 
She was unsure what to do about the farm, though. It had been Mr. McPherson's life and joy, and she knew that he had wanted his children to have it. But the children were very young. Her eldest was thirteen, and she hoped the girl would marry well and move to her husband's as was expected. Then it was Vanessa, almost eight years old, and Virgil, barely seven. The twins were four years old. In sum, it would take too long for any of them to be able to care for and get in charge of the farm.
She could do some of the work. She had planned to do so with Vernon..., before...
But the extent of the work to be done would require to hire hands. She should talk to young Mr. Munch about that, to give her time to make further decisions.

Time helps folk heal, indeed. Grief may also lessen, with time. The children helped Verity keep herself together. There was not a day when they did not make her smile. They particularly enjoyed pretending to be at a great ball and dance to the tunes from the gramophone while she tried to read to the toddlers.

Young Mr. Munch had been really helpful. He had advised Verity well. He had helped her find reliable workers for the farm, and for the house.

Although his permanent residence was in the city in San Myshuno, Lucas had taken rooms in town in Windenburg in order to be of service to Mrs. McPherson and her family.
He had also found time to spend getting to know little Miss Valerie.

Lucas liked the sensible head of the girl and her big blue eyes were also very appealing.
But he would not dishonor his family or her by behaving ungentlemanly, so he immediately asked Widow McPherson for her permission to call on the girl apart from his business visits to the household.
Verity asked Valerie if she fancied Mr. Munch, and after learning she did, she wholeheartedly gave her permission.

For a while, young Mr. Munch was an assiduous visitor to the McPherson farmstead, but he was bound to leave soon. His business was in the city, but he promised to stay in touch and write to Valerie every day until he could return to formally court her.
Verity had agreed to let him call on the girl, but she was too young to marry yet. Verity wanted to give her daughter the chance to grow up a little more before getting betrothed.  Mr. Munch thought the same. He wanted his bride to be mature enough to choose him as her groom. They accorded that he would call on Valerie on his business visits to the household, and he could write to her when abroad, but any formalities would not be done until she was sixteen.

As it happened, Lucas was truly smitten by Valerie, and his heart did not stray while he was away.
Three years passed faster than anyone would think, and on the fall of 1908, Lucas returned to the island eager to court his girl.

Valerie was happy, and her heart was full. Lucas was not only a gentleman, but he also truly cared for her family. Whenever he was in Windenburg, and after dealing business with Momma, he took time to help out in the farm. They had hired hands, but there was always something to do to keep the crops healthy, and Lucas was never shy of rolling up his sleeves and getting to work.

Her brothers and sister liked him. Lucas was like an older brother to all of them. He was certainly almost considered family by all.

The time was right, and Lucas proposed. Valerie could not agree more.

Verity was happy for her girl, but it also saddened her to finally be at the crossroads of letting her go. She had lost too many of her loved ones already. Verity knew that Valerie would only be a train ride away, but it would never be the same after she left.

Valerie and Lucas talked to Verity about their plans for the wedding, and, at first, the mother was shocked.
-What do you mean, you don't want a big wedding??
-We just mean that, Momma. I, we, erm, we will be happy with a small ceremony, is all.
-Mrs. McPherson, I do not mean any disrespect, it is just what Valerie wants.
-Momma, I just want a small ceremony next to Pappa and the kids. I don't have friends to impress with a wedding, it's just you, the children, Lucas, and his family, but his dad is too ill to travel anyway.
-That is true, Mrs. McPherson. Father is not feeling well. I expect he wrote about this to you in his letter?
-Yes, he did. I wish him a full and prompt recovery. Very well, you will have a small ceremony then.
-Thank you, Momma!

Lucas was just exceedingly happy to finally be able to marry his bride.

While Verity pretended not to look, he gave his girl a passionate kiss.

-Stop that nonsense right away! You're not married yet!

All the wedding preparations, as small as the event would be, took a little more than a week.
In that time, Valerie went through bouts of giddy laughter and outbursts of tears. The children tried to avoid her as much as they could.

She certainly was going to miss the little rascals, and home. She would miss it all, and Momma especially, but it was going to be her new life. Lucas would be her new family soon.

The day of the wedding finally arrived!
Verity had made Valerie's dress. Instead of choosing to fix her old wedding dress, she told the girl she wanted her to have something completely new for herself.
Valerie looked beautiful in her wedding gown!

Lucas exchanged vows with a voice full with emotion.

It was all that Valerie had wanted, Momma looked splendid in her fancy dress, and they had set up the wedding arch next to where her daddy and her siblings rested. They were all with her in her big day.

No sooner had the ceremony ended, the little rascals went running inside for the feast, leaving Verity and the newlyweds out on their own.

Verity had feared that she would be crying during the whole event, but she was so happy for Valerie to have met a good man, that she could do nothing more than smile.
New hope was upon the McPhersons, for sure.





