Choosing your Human sim

When you are a mermaid, you have options. 

I mean, you have lots of options: to swim for long periods of time, to chat with your fish friends, to kill your non-fish acquaintances...

I chose to kill those human sims who annoy me too much, and to get offspring from a few of the ones who amuse me. After all, any mermaid would like to add variety to the species, right?

Experiences with human sims showed me that you have to find the right sim for the job. It is not easy, since most human sims are simply, well... underpar.

But then, I got lucky. I met this particularly funny human sim, and he's made my life a joy since then.

His name is Saul. He makes me laugh a lot. He can chat with me for hours and keep me entertained, which is a great feat.

Saul also does not have a problem with my mermaid needs; he fulfills them quite remarkably, I must say. In fact, he's got me a child already, and another one is on the way.

He's also very good with said child.

Of course, bonding over the television is not really stellar parenting, but still.

Saul, Casper, and I have a nice little family here, which is what matters.

So, my dear merfolk, when you choose to mix with those human sims, make sure you look high and low until you find one of the ones other sims call "erratic". That seems to be the trick. Sayonara!
