On the Lookout for Survivors

Keisha Gerber thought she was one of the lucky ones. She had awaken from stasis in this huge vault. She was lucky in the first place because she was alive, whole, and probably still reasonably human, which was more than millions of sims could say. In fact, the recorded news from who knew when reported that sims had started seeing strange creatures in the wastes. Of course, that could have been hundreds of years ago,... the creatures could have not survived at all,... well. There was no point in worrying about that now.

She was awake and alone in the vault. Following protocol, she had checked the control room and noticed that there was a beacon working. She just needed to wait and see if someone, anyone would show up at the door. She'll take it from there.

"Ah! A survivor!! She looks whole enough--and human enough, too. Let's open the damned gate. Where's the switch for the intercom?"

"Hello! Yeah, hello there! Wait! I'm here! Inside! I'll let you in, just let me find the right switch, okaaay? ... ... There! Come on in!"

After some time, the new dweller made it to where Keisha was inside the Vault.
"So, I'm Keisha. Keisha Gerber. What's your name? Although your outfit resembles mine, there are some differences, where are you from?"

"I'm Ruth Bishop. It's so good to find another human in a vault! Wait, you ARE human, aren't you? I'm from somewhere else, but quite frankly, I can't recall where I got out of my vault or why. I just felt compelled by a higher power to get ready and come over here."
